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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The History of Modern Palestine before the Occupation (1900-1948)

The History of Modern Palestine before the Occupation (1900-1948)
The roots of the Palestinian issue .. and the emergence of the Zionist occupation state, and the history of modern Palestine before its occupation

Palestine before the occupation
Palestine before the occupation
Palestine is still the main issue in the Middle East, where its developments are reflected on the neighboring countries and the Arab countries in general. We will try to follow the conflict between the Palestinians and the Arabs with the Zionist project before the establishment of the occupation state.

Since the collapse of the Mamluk state in front of the Turkish armies in the early sixteenth century, a new era has begun, not only for Arabs but for the whole world. The empires of the Arab East, which were under its rule, were replaced by the Ottoman Empire. It has also had great effects on the history of the world, but most importantly, the Middle East is considered one of the largest areas of international conflict since then. The Arabs did not congratulate the independence celebrations of the Turkish state until they came under French, English and Italian occupation. These, L. To extract the liver of the Levant and to establish the occupying state of Israel in occupied Palestine.

In this article, we will review the most important historical stages in the Palestinian cause, from the beginning of the twentieth century, until the establishment of the occupying state, through the Arab and international agreements in this period, as well as the Palestinian and Arab movements against the establishment of the State of Israel.

Palestine under Ottoman rule
The Ottomans took control of the Levant after the defeat of the Mamluks in the Battle of Marj Dabak in August 1516, dividing Palestine into five areas: Sanjak, Safad, Nablus, The Ottomans maintained the Islamic identity of Palestine on the grounds that the Ottoman Empire was the Islamic Caliphate State. Many of the features of Jerusalem and the facilities of the Al-Aqsa Mosque were restored during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. This remained true until the last years of the ninth century Ten, which witnessed the birth of the Zionist movement, by repudiation (The Jewish State), to the Austrian Jewish journalist Theodor Herzl, the first Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland, in the last three days of August 1897.

The new century and the birth of Zionism
After Zionism held its first conference, the Zionists announced the establishment of the (World Zionist Organization), as they openly declared their goal of establishing (a national homeland for the Jews in the land of Palestine), through several steps, most notably:

Encourage Jewish immigration to Palestine.
And the establishment of the Jewish Agency that will sponsor this transition.
The new century began with Zionist attempts to obtain international support for the establishment of the Promised Land in the Promised Land, where Herzl conducted extensive contacts with several international parties, the most important of which was the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II, but the Sultan's response came decisive in 1901. "I can not give up About one inch of the land of Palestine ... ", and Herzl died in 1904, before seeing the results of his work, but Zionism did not die then, but continued to strive to reach Palestine, especially since Sultan Abdel Hamid imposed many restrictions on the migration of Jews to Palestine, and the sale and purchase

World War I ended with the division of the Levant
The laws of Abdelhamid II regarding limiting the arrival of Jews to Palestine remained in force. Some scholars doubt the sincerity of his intentions. Jordanian researcher Fadwa Nusairat published the book "The Role of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in Ottoman Facilitation of Zionist Control of Palestine" (1876-1909) The Sultan, but it is hard to say that immigration control laws continued to be overthrown by the Turkish Union and Progress Party of 1909.

Still, some analysts consider that there is a link between the Union and the Progressive Movement and the Zionist movement, especially that the promotion did not destroy the Sultan's regime; it was the allegiance of Sultan Muhammad - the brother of Sultan Abdul Hamid - and continued the Ottoman Empire (the sick man) until the outbreak of World War I in 1914, The British and the French by counting the property of the Ottoman Empire, including Palestine, where the English troops arrived in Rafah, and expelled the Turkish soldiers in 1917, to bring Palestine from the Ottoman occupation to the English occupation.

The Ottoman Empire ended the era of the Turkish father Kemal Ataturk, where the arrival of Ataturk to the rule of Turkey, the end of the link between Arabs and Turks, whether religious or other, modern Turkey is very different from the Sultanate, which considered Arabs an important part of its power, Are on the agenda of modern Turkey.

Sykes Pico and the Balfour Declaration
The Arabs participated in the First World War in order to obtain their independence. The Ottoman Empire had also continued its oppression, especially during the reign of Gamal Pasha, the murderer of Damascus, who was preoccupied with killing. Even the Syrians and the Lebanese still celebrate the Martyrs' Day. In commemoration of the fighters executed by the thief in the public squares.

As for the Great Arab Revolt, it was led by Sharif Hussein, the captain of Hegaz, along with his son Faisal, where they managed to mobilize the people of the Levant and the Hijaz to stand by the Allies in their war with the Turks in exchange for the independence of the Arab countries. , And the Levant after the defeat of 1918. But Communist Russia betrayed the secret of the Allies in 1917, when it revealed the secret of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, a French-English treaty signed in May 1916, Sham and Iraq, between France and Britain, coupled with the Balfour Declaration, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Yeh Albraita(Arthur Balfour) to the Jews on November 2, 1917, supporting the establishment of their racist state in Palestine. The British and the French tried to anesthetize the Arabs after they discovered these agreements, until the end of the war. 4. The Conference of Reconciliation, Versailles Conference In 1919, after the end of the First World War, the Allies sat at the dialogue table to share the legacy of the Ottomans and the harvest of the war, known as the Versailles Conciliation Conference of France in 1919, June of the same year, Prince Fis was He also sent a memorandum to the conference explaining the right of the Arabs to self-determination, as well as the preservation of Syria's unity (including Syria, Lebanon and Palestine with the east of the Jordan River), as stated by Dr. Hassan Halaq in his book (Palestine in international and Arab conferences): "... Palestine, the vast majority of the Arab and Jewish population is ethnically linked to the Arabs, and there is no difference between the two peoples in the creation and the benefits. We Jews, in principle, are one people. The Arabs can not take responsibility for maintaining a balance in the event of a collision between the different "The Arab opposition was clear regarding the division of Syria and the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine. It was clear in the streets, in all political movements, in addition to official letters, but the royal government in the region, England, had decided with the Allies the fate of this region in advance, and all I tried to do in this period, is to tame the feelings of the Arabs, and to gain time until the Jews to establish their state, and among the attempts to procrastinate, was the King - The Arabs rejected the Zionist project (Joined the First World War in 1917) Committee to meet the demands of the Arab peoples, named the King-Crane Commission relative to its members Monday, and arrived in the Levant in June 1919, remained roaming the cities of Syria and Palestine about The report also pointed out that "72% of the petitions filed by the Syrian region confirm the hostility with the Zionist movement and categorically reject the possibility of establishing a homeland." National of the Jews on the land of Palestine " Najliz in the Syrian region confirmed that the national homeland that Zionism dreamed of can not be established except by force of arms, so the idea should be put aside (note as mentioned by Hassan al-Hakim in his book pages from the history of modern Syria), and recommended the establishment of restrictions on the immigration of Jews, That the number did not exceed fifty thousand, compared to 650 thousand Arabs in Palestine.6 The British proved their fulfillment of their promises to the JewsThe Arab efforts to independence continued through several letters to the governments of the allies, as well as the Syrian and Palestinian conferences, all of which emphasized the unity of the region, , But society d The Arab project did not have enough wisdom and organization to deal with the great calamities, especially after the Ottoman rule for four centuries, but it did not stop at the calls and the distress, as tensions began to increase among the Arabs And Jews in Palestine in the early 1920s, including the events of Jaffa in May of the same year, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of Arabs and Jews, and the Jews tried in the subsequent period to attract Arabs to their ranks, where Dr. Emil Luka writes in his book Palestinian conflict) on the treatment of Jews with the events of Jaffa: "In this Once again, the Zionist leadership accused the English security forces of the work and promoted the myth of the Arab Afandis who incite the Arab destitute over the Jews because of the loss of their privileges and pretended that the issue is no more than the issue of the Zionist custodian who wants to build the country, Which insists on the survival of the country swamps. " But this did not work, and the British also tried to reassure the Arabs, and the Palestinian and Syrian delegations, but the latter used to invoke the countries back and forth to demand rights based on the promises of the Allies before the war. However, all these efforts ended with the British Mandate officially declaring Palestine in 1922. In accordance with the Mandate Act of July 1922, the League of Nations decided to place Palestine under the British Mandate. It issued a twenty-seven article confirming Britain's commitment to "establish a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, To understand clearly not to perform To the detriment of the religious and temporal rights enjoyed by the non-Jewish groups now in Palestine. "Thus Britain stripped Arabs of their rights in Palestine, considered them guests of the racist occupation state, and the Jews began to prepare for a future bloody phase, Arab history is dark.7 The Al-Buraq revolution was triggered by the Jewish attacks on the Buraqasad Wall. The relative calm between Arabs and Jews between 1925 and 1928 was mainly due to the economic crisis in Europe, which eased Jewish immigration to Palestine. With alexa And the religious conflict began to unfold, until bloody clashes broke out between Arabs and Jews against the backdrop of Jewish claims and attacks on the Al-Buraq Al-Sharif Wall, which they called the Wailing Wall, and claimed that it was a remnant. HeckSuleiman al-Muqaddam, the clashes led to casualties on both sides, but the Mandatory government sided with the Jews and arrested the Palestinian youths. Three of them were executed the following year: Muhammad Khalil Jamjoom, Fuad Hijazi and Atta al-Zeer. The only reason, but the increasing pressure of Jewish immigration to Palestine, in addition to the expansion of Jewish property in the territories and homes, led to congestion in the Palestinian Arab street, resulting in the revolution of the mentioned Buraq.8 The world was burning in the mid-thirties of the twentieth century for the arrival of Adolf Hitler Ruling Germany, explaining the situation In addition to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the occupation of Ethiopia by Fascist Italy, and the emergence of the seeds of the Second World War, all these events were between 1933 and 1936. Syria also witnessed large protests, Palestine was under the pressure of Jewish immigration, and the transfer of feudal property to the Jews, which led to the displacement of the Palestinian peasants (the Marbians), and their expulsion from their lands, and increased unemployment as a result of all this tension, and fled the labor organizations and socialism from the scene. Izz al-Din a In 1838, he began to launch armed operations against the British until they were able to reach him in his hiding place in Jenin. There were violent clashes between them and ended with the martyrdom of the Qassam Brigades and some of his comrades. The revolution of 1936, even called the Qassam revolution, or the Great Palestinian Revolution. The most prominent events of the Great Palestinian RevolutionThe leadership of the revolution Sheikh Farhan al-Sa'di, succeeding Sheikh Izz al-Din al-Qassam, and the Great Palestinian revolution began on April 15, 1936, the assassination of two Jews On the Nablus-Tulkarm road, and then broke out And the people stopped paying taxes. This revolution lasted until October 12 of the same year, but it was a temporary halt, awaiting the outcome of the negotiations being conducted by the Higher Arab Committee Under the leadership of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Amin al-Husseini. The revolution was resumed in September 1937, after all political efforts to stop Jewish emigration failed, and the decision to divide Palestine into two states, Arab and Jewish, came back to the expectations of the British and Jews. Strongly, and extended to wider areas, k Which has become centers outside the borders of Palestine for the organization and assistance, so that the British began to hunt down all wearing the headband and kaffiyeh (the dress of the Palestinian farmer), because of the assassinations carried out by the Casamians within the cities, but the Revolution Council issued a directive to the Palestinian people, The revolution continued until the beginning of World War II in 1939, when the British sensed the coming of the war and wanted to liquidate the rebellion in Palestine. They conducted a sweeping sweep of the Palestinian villages and cities, reoccupied most of the liberated places, and lost Th Most of its leaders, to stop in September 1939.9 The Hebrew State of the Zionist criminal gangs founded the Zionists in Palestine a group of armed gangs, which followed the organization of street gangs, and the weapon came to them with the knowledge of the English, or without their knowledge, day and night, The Haganah gang was one of the first armed Zionist gangs. It was also the military arm of the World Zionist Organization. It was founded in 1921, as an alternative to a former organization with a few dozen members. The first (Hashomer) is h The Haganah is the main nucleus of the Israeli enemy army that formed after the Nakba. Among its most prominent figures were Polish Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the director of the subsequent invasion of Lebanon in 1982, and Yitzhak Rabin, the architect of peace with Jordan and the Palestinian Authority in the 1990s. In 1927, Irgun Tihomi decided to form a military faction independent of the Haganah in 1931, called Irgun or the National Military Organization of Israel. The Irgun Gang was more c. After the Zionist-Zionist Menachem Begin took over the presidency in 1942 (peacemaker with Egypt in the seventies), and carried out many military operations against the British, and hit them their interests in Palestine, was the most prominent operations Arjun bombing of the Prophet David Hotel Jerusalem, July 22, 1946, which resulted in the deaths of more than ninety people, mostly civilians, including fifteen Jews and sixteen British, and the rest of the Palestinians. The bombing of the British Embassy in Rome, on the twenty-ninth of December / December 1947, to be Arjun so, p And the damage of the Second World War played a major role in the abandonment of the entire region in favor of the Zionist gangs that established their racist state immediately after the British left. The Stern Gang founded it in 1960 by splitting it from the Haganah as well, For the freedom of Israel, but known by his name (Stern), where this gang joined with Irgun policy, which requires the removal of the British from Palestine by force, perhaps for fear of failure to meet the British promises, these gangs exploited the period of World War II, and military collapses in Europe, It carries out a series of operations against the English and Arabs, and membersThe Polish prime minister Yitzhak Shamir, who was the prime minister of the enemy when the Iraqi army bombed the occupied territories, the period of the second Gulf War 10. The Zionist gangs overtook the Arab armies. The English were able to continue to occupy Palestine. The United Kingdom was no longer the same, (English colonies), and equipped the Second World War on the ability of the English military, in addition to the pressure of Zionist gangs inside the Palestinian, England resorted to the United Nations, which adopted on 29 November 1947, a decision to divide The Arabs rejected the decision at the summit of the Arab League held in Syrian Bloudan on June 8, 1946, and the League announced the formation of the Arab Salvation Army, but the Zionists accepted the solution, And continued to organize the terrorist operations that targeted the Arabs and the British until Britain announced its withdrawal from Palestine on May 14, 1948. The announcement of the establishment of the State of Israel a few hours later on the fifteenth of the same month, Palestinian conflict, and the date of the beginning of the war The Arab Salvation Army, consisting of seven regiments led by Fawzi al-Qaouqji, was launched from several axes along the Palestinian border with the neighboring countries. The liberation battles began on the day when the Israeli occupation was declared. It is hoped that until the Security Council imposed the first truce for four weeks, from June 11 to July 10, the Arabs resumed their fight with the Zionist gangs, but on different terms. The Zionist gangs exploited the truce period, To enhance its financial and military capabilities, The Arab army was also equipped with corrupt weapons and ammunition that was not suitable for military use. The gangs were able to make significant progress since the first day of the resumption of the fighting. Negotiations began on Rhodes Island at the end of that year and ended with the signing of ceasefire agreements between the modern state and the states. The Arab participation in the fighting was between February and July 1949, to turn history into a dark page, and to open a darker one. Finally, it was a difficult period in which the whole Arab world, and Palestine in particular, Reflecting on the political and social reality of the Arabs, Some of the researchers consider that the existence of the Israeli occupying state is responsible for the existence of totalitarian and individual regimes, as well as the suffering of our people in occupied Palestine, as a result of the continuous attacks on their rights, sanctities and lives. 1967 and the subsequent wars and massacres committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. 10 Photographs of Life in Palestine Before the birth of Israel 6 months ago, the Palestinian Museum launched the "Family Album" project to explore the photographic treasures held by Palestinians in their homes, G Aya for Palestinian history, culture and society. Family photographs are not only a way of documenting precious family moments, but rather a collective memory of events, places and social patterns, reducing political events and important historical moments. In the past, the museum has documented more than 3,500 digital photographs by conducting 85 interviews with Palestinian families in West Bank, Jerusalem and Palestinian towns and villages before completing the project in the Gaza Strip and in the diaspora, hoping that this photo collection is a rich material for researchers and interested During its availability on cyberspace during the coming period. The opening of the second Arab exhibition was an industrial exhibition in the Palace Hotel's hall. Jerusalem, 1934. From the album of Said al-Husseini © The Palestinian Museum: Life in Palestine Before the Creation of Israel - 1 photo of Abdel Salam al-Barqawi from Jenin (center) with a group of children who adopted part of their education. He is known to have supported the Palestinian revolution in the 1920s and 1930s and his resistance to the purchase of land by Zionist organizations. He was assassinated in 1937. Haifa, 1920. From the album of Wafa Mari © The Palestinian Museum: Life in Palestine Before the Creation of Israel 9 British Army entry into Jerusalem, Bab al-Khalil, 1917. From the album of Said al-Husseini © The Palestinian Museum. Life in Palestine before the birth of Israel. Jerusalem, 1925-1929. From the album of Jamil al-Husseini © The Palestinian Museum - Life in Palestine Before the Creation of Israel - 7 Youssef Abdel Fattah Ghazal from Nablus He was a mujahideen in the Holy Jihad Army with Abdul Qadir al-Husseini, fought in the Battle of Qastal and was wounded. He later settled in Kuwait. The place is unknown, 1930-1939. From the album of Nabila al-Nabulsi © The Palestinian Museum - Life in Palestine before the birth of Israel - 6 The annual photo of the family of Spridon Sarouf. Jaffa, 1928. From album Abla and Alfred Tubasi © The Palestinian Museum: Life in Palestine before the birth of Israel 3 - Haj Amin al-Husseini (right) with his nephews during his service in the Ottoman army. The place is unknown, 1914-1917. From the album of Said al-Husseini © The Palestinian Museum of Life in Palestine before the emergence of Israel - 5 unit against the Zionist Stern Gang, belonging to the British Mandate. 1945-1948. From the album Fatin Jabir © The Palestinian Museum. Life in Palestine before the emergence of Israel - 8 Fayez Khammash family, who was an officer in the Palestinian police. Haifa, 1935. From the album Ershid family. © The Palestinian Museum - Life in Palestine before the emergence of Israel - 10 groups of political figures participating in the Palestinian Arab delegationThe first to Britain, including Musa Kazem al-Husseini (sitting to the right), 1921. From the album of Said al-Husseini © The Palestinian Museum.

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