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Date of Egypt in the Pharaonic era

Date of Egypt in the Pharaonic era

First: the factors that helped the Pharaonic civilization:

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة النيلFactors that helped the Pharaonic civilization to natural factors (the Great River Nile, excellent location, appropriate climate, and the abundance of rocks and minerals) and human factors are divided (affirmative action continued) and struggle.

A - natural factors

Nile and the great virtues:

 River Nile has helped to transform Egypt into a green paradise, and aware of the Nile Egyptians shipbuilding, help their interdependence, and the exchange of crops and the activity of trade.

 Nile aware Egyptians planting and calculation, and the system and the construction of canals, construction of bridges and the construction of dams, the Egyptians have found ancient in being granted the teacher, and the source of the first life, Vazmoh and Kdsuh, and worshiped in the form of a god they called "Hapi", and we are still celebrating distant "fulfillment of the Nile" each year.

He has left us the ancient Egyptians many historical texts that show the importance of the Nile River in their lives. And the impact of the Nile River in ancient Egyptian life,

 Says one of these texts: "Peace upon you, O Nile ... who gives life to its water and the land of Egypt, out of the creatures and plants, peace upon you, O Lord, my goodness ... of irrigated desert Bndah.

 The slowed troubled hearts and ruined lives, and sped Tabt souls and blossomed flowers .... "And the Nile River niche in the hearts of the Egyptians, says another text:" Hurrah O "Hapi" ... You, who appeared on the ground in order of life given to Egypt, you who come Mstkhvia life in order to give each thirsty ..., peace upon you, O Lord of the good things ... ".

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة موقع مصر بين افريقيا واسياExcellent geographical location:

 Egypt's geographic location is excellent, is the main two major continents of Africa and Asia, which overlooks the Bahrain blend of both the Red and the Mediterranean Sea and Egypt as the heart of the ancient world, and liaison between Oqtarh and peoples.

 Egypt also has a natural protection. In the Mediterranean north, and in the east, west and south stretches the vast deserts which was body armor helped the Egyptians to defend their country and resist the aggressors and greedy in their property.

The right climate:

 God gave (SWT) repeated his cherished temperate climate and the sun is shining, the sky clear, the air sick, help it to human activity and vigilance of his mind, and the dry climate of Egypt has helped to protect the old effects.

The abundance of natural resources (rocks and minerals):

In the land of the repeated cherished There is gold, copper, iron, silver and other types of minerals, as varied by the rocks of granite and marble and precious stones, and these rocks and minerals ancient Egyptians making all their industries, and built Ohramathm, and carved statues, and they made their jewelry magnificent, were rocks and minerals for the ancient Egyptian most precious wealth.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة جبال مصرB - Human Factors

Affirmative action and continuous struggle:

 The ancient Egyptians best use of all of these factors, and benefited from it, and think about it and invented, and made a lot of effort, and there was cooperation between them until they turned their valley paradise to those which we inhabit and enjoy the fruits today.

And thus the ancient Egyptian civilization as a result of the creative interaction between the nature of the land and the nature of the people who inhabited, Egypt is not a "gift of the Nile," said Greek historian "Herodotus" For thousands of years, but also are the result of an effort Egyptians and hard work, and their intelligence, and their creation, and unity, and sacrifice. So "Egypt gift of the Nile and the Egyptians," Were it not for the struggle of the Egyptians to this great civilization emerged.

Second: the era of the old state - the era of builders of the pyramids

Dynastic 3-6 (2780-2280 BC):

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الملك ميناKing, "Mina" has succeeded in achieving political unity of Egypt and established the first dynasty, has been strengthened and the unity of the country in the era of the second family, and Egypt has seen progress in all aspects of life, as the evolution of the use of ancient Egyptian writing, which he called the Greeks "hieroglyphics."

 Thus, Egypt became ready to receive a new era is the era of the old state, which includes Dynastic (3-6).

Historians called the era of the old state name "Age builders of the pyramids," a reference to those huge pyramids that we see all of us, and built in the belly of the right hand of the desert valley, south of Giza, Fayoum province to the north.

But why the pyramids were built and what is its purpose?

 The idea back in the building of the pyramids to the ancient Egyptians believed in the immortality of the soul, and to believe in the Baath again and the existence of eternal life, for the Egyptians built the ancient cemetery vulnerable where the body was placed after the stuffed, and provides a full range of needs of the Dead as tools and furniture and the types of food and drink, which was used in his life, even if they came spirit and dissolved in the body, man returned to his eternal life. Graffiti walls of the cemetery usual scenery, for the intervention of pleasure for the dead.

1. the conditions of the country in the era of the old state:

Egypt was of great goodness and prosperity, and security was prevalent and people's lives a quiet stable. And flourished Arts and Sciences and the Arts, and made trips to the hands of the traveler of his repeated his cherished, as the huge build a movement, thanks to the availability of Egypt's natural resources, and so Egypt lived brightest eras in the Old Kingdom, this age who met the activity of thought as well as Activity action and implementation.

2. famous kings of the old state and achievements
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الملك زوسر

1 - King Zoser Zoser:

It is the third dynasty Pharaonic founder of the beginning of the old state, and his great tomb in "Saqqara" known as the "Pyramid," has "Memphis" took the capital of the country, and is interested in the extraction of copper from the Sinai, and extending the country's borders to the south beyond the first waterfall after extending his influence the Nubians.

It is the most Aamalh- Step Pyramid of Djoser:

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الملك زوسر
The first is the construction of a huge stone in history, it consists of six terraces constructed on top of each, all clad limestone white, surrounded by a huge wall, as well as limestone, with a height of the step pyramid of about 60 meters, and the king's burial chamber built of granite.

*** Minister Aamahotb wise Imhotep:

In the reign of King "Zoser" Egyptians appeared a prominent thinkers who have left traces in the history of Egypt and its civilization, is the minister "Aamahotb", and thanks to him in the position of T.The heart of the pyramid of Saqqara and implementation. To the minister adopted the King "Zoser", and assigned him a lot of business, was "Aamahotb" oversees every nook and cranny, and besides his fame in architecture, known for his wisdom and medicine, is loved by the ancient Egyptians and built his sculptures. And described the minister "Aamahotb" Minister of the King "Zoser" said: "It was," Aamahotb "priest of the king and his minister and constructive, he knew the Greeks history Vkdroh, and considered the creator of the stone building, the first floor scholars and her doctor first, and it was" Aamahotb "first science and religion and politics school graduate this world 
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الملك سنفرو... "0.2 - King Bent Snefru:
 the founder of the fourth Dynasty, the family continued 
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الملك خوفوto third family message, and she continued to take" Memphis, "the capital of the country, as was the days of peace and prosperity days, famous for" Bent "reform and strength, and his most important works: Send a naval fleet to the Phoenicia on the coast of the Levant (Lebanon now) to bring cedar wood to be used in shipbuilding and the work of the doors of palaces. Built "Bent" himself Hermine to "Dahshur" South "Saqqara", has also worked to secure the borders of Egypt's eastern and southern 0.3 - King Cheops:

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة هرم خوفو Cheops: is one of the kings of the Fourth Dynasty, and linked to his fame Behrmh the largest of which is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the magnitude of its construction, and the splendor of his appearance, and the beauty of its architecture, versatility designed, with a height of the Great pyramid of about 137 meters, and the number of the stones about 2.3 million stone, it is thus the largest old building was built on the face of the earth, and sees Greek historian "Herodotus" to build this pyramid twenty years took, was built successors Khufu (Khafre and Menkaure) Hermine slimmer than the Great pyramid .. (Sphinx)
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة ابو الهول
 is the King "Khafre" carved this statue of a huge rock on the body of a lion body which has a human head, and this statue of likely it represents the King "Khafre" himself, a statue length of 57 meters and a height of 20 meters, the length of the face five meters, the length of the ear more than one meter, and his mouth two meters and a third of 0.4 - Userkaf: since the end of the fourth Dynasty, taking the influence of the priests of the god "Ra" in "Ain Shams" (Heliopolis ) increases, even managed to drop the fourth Dynasty, and the inauguration of one of their men, a "Userkaf" rule, and has a family Avh.oqam kings of the fifth Dynasty begins massive obelisks which symbolize the sun god "Ra", and have established temples called temples of the sun, there is most of these temples in "My father Sir" and "Dahshur" Giza Governorate. *** increasing the authority of the princes of the regions and the collapse of the old state - the family VI: long live Egypt during the reign of a powerful ancient state united coherent for a long time, that bear the weaknesses, and I told the prestige of kings, and have begun to increase the authority of provincial governors, especially in the sixth Dynasty. These rulers took advantage of the weakness of the Kings, and took the work to concentrate power in their hands, and independence by virtue of their regions, and try to break away from Pharaoh, and tents darkness on Egypt, and degraded, and replaced by chaos, it happened in the reign of the King, "Pepi II" which ruled the country for nearly a century ago, which led to the fall of the sixth Dynasty during the reign of his successors, and the end of the era of the old state. And the description of Pharaonic Egypt after the sixth dynasty fall, one of the wise men say: "See, I have changed the country, and changed their conditions worsened, not least because we see the Nile Aoavi Pfidah, people nevertheless are asleep do not stand up for the good, do not work in planting or udder, not because they hate the implant udder, but because they do not know what tomorrow Itaalam him from the evils and horrors ... ".thaltha- the first Intermediate Period (2280-2052 BC) dynasties 7-10: the first Intermediate Period is dynastic (7-9 ).
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة اهناسيا
 The reason for this designation is that it has spread in the country in this period of chaos and turmoil, and coveted in the land of Egypt, Asian nomads who attacked the country's border tribes, and took over some parts. *** Kings Ahnasia - two families ninth Axhzart powerful family in "Ahnasia" (in Beni Suef), was able to establish families ninth and tenth, and spread their influence in the central regions of Egypt and the Delta, but the family "Ahnasia" did not succeed in reuniting the country, as Navsthm strong family appeared in the "good" (now Luxor), and was able to princes eliminate X family "Ahnasia" and the establishment of a new family is the eleventh Dynasty, which begins the era of state Allosty..raavaa- the Middle Kingdom - the era of economic prosperity: the two couples 11 and 12 (2124-1778 BC);
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة امنحتب الثاني care of the kings of the old state building pyramids, and the establishment of temples, sculptures, unlike the kings of the Middle Kingdom who were interested in projects that accrue to all people of good and prosperity, such as irrigation projects, and interest in agriculture and commerce, and the advancement of the country's comprehensive renaissance in all Nuahaha.ochehr kings of the State Central and achievements: 1 - King Mentuhotep II: is the founder of the eleventh family, he took his homeland a "good" capital of his kingdom, and to him thanks in the renaissance of the country, and restore the unity it, and the deployment of security and the elimination of sedition, for that of the ancient Egyptians, and photographed next to the King, "Mina" united the two countries, and the King " Ahmose 

"compelling Hyksos and the founder of the modern state 0.2 - King Amenemhat: he was" the first Amenemhat "minister for the last kings of the eleventh Dynasty, and when the king died without an heir," Amenemhat "declared himself king of Egypt, and made a great effort to subdue the provincial governors to his authority, as took a new capital in the average between the two-sided tribal and maritime site is "Ac Tawi" meaning holding on earths, and its place is the village "Lisht" South city "Ayat" Giza Governorate. "Amenemhat" spent on Asians and Libyans raids on the outskirts of the Delta, and succeeded in disciplining disobedient in Nubia 0.3 - King Senusret third Senusret III:
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الملك سنوسرت الثالث of the most important kings of the Twelfth Dynasty, due to administrative and military ability, he led campaigns himself to Nubia, and established by the most important of a series of forts Qlata "obesity and Qmnh" beyond the second Cataract on the border of southern Egypt when "Wadi Halfa" and extending the borders of Egypt beyond the limits of his fathers, and increased it, and appealed to his successors to maintain the NatD: "It keeps my sons on the border, which thou hast set it my son Wolde ... It is a Ohbha son who his father fever, which saved the limits of followed ..., but who is neglected by not fighting for it is not my son has been born Mona ..." - from the inscription of the King "Snosert III "on a monument erected in the country Alnobh.omr the King," the third Snosert "dug a canal in the eastern delta link between the maximum branch of the Nile in the east, and the Gulf of Suez, the oldest of a water connection between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, it has been called the Greeks" Canal of the Pharaohs "in relation to King, "the third Snosert." It benefits to the country from digging "Canal of the Pharaohs," the increase in commercial activity and closer trade links between Egypt and the "Pont" (Somalia current), and also the increase in commercial activity between Egypt and the Levant, and the Mediterranean islands, such as Crete and Cyprus 0.4 - King Amenemhat third: Amenemhet III face of the King "Amenemhat III"
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الملك امنمحات الثالث (from the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty) effort to develop and invest the country's natural resources, and has been linked to the great work in the Fayoum area, as it built a dam to hold the water when "Agon" saved by a large area of ​​land was lost in the flood water, and added to the cultivated area in Egypt, he has been known this dam as the "bridge Agon", also set up a King "Amenemhat III" measure in the south at the Castle "obesity" to learn about the height of the flood, which was made on the basis of tax assessments he built his pyramid at the famous town "Hawara" in Fayoum, and established a huge temple called as "Maze Palace" of the multiplicity of Hjrath, where it was difficult for a visitor out of it after entering. Greek historian "Herodotus" wrote describes the labyrinth: "It's beyond description, consists of a 12-lobby lounge, and three thousand rooms, half underground and half above, the upper rooms beyond what human narrated from the effects, as the ceilings have all been constructed from stones , surrounded by all the lobby of columns made of white stones ... ".va- era of decay II (1778-1570 BC) dynasties 13-17: The end of the Middle Kingdom: The end of the Middle Kingdom, similar to a large extent by the end of the old state, after the death of the King" Amenemhat III "weakened Pharaoh's power, and began the conflict between the provincial governors, and replaced the chaos, and returned the country to disintegration, and plunged the country prey in the hands of foreigners, has entered the tribes of nomads came from West Asia, known as the" Hyksos "occupied the north and center, and kept them two centuries decade. Egyptian historian "Maniton" says the reasons for the fall of Egypt in the hands of the Hyksos: "The shepherds had taken over Egypt at ease, and Ajtahoha in non-war, because the Egyptians were that day in the revolution and disorder ...." *** Hyksos invasion of Egypt *** Who are Hyksos? Hyksos in ancient Egyptian language meaning "foreign country's rulers," They are nomadic tribes Asian, it came from Palestine, and what he called the Egyptians shepherds, because they raped their country without the right. Infiltrated those tribes to the east of the Delta, and settled in the city, "Avaris" ( "Tanis" near the town of Zagazig now) and taken the capital, continued its march south to the occupied city of "Memphis", Central and Egypt, meanwhile dominated Nubians to the southern part of the country, leaving independent only part governed by princes Taibh.omn reasons that helped the Hyksos occupation of Egypt easily: weather turmoil in Egypt because of the chaos and the weakness of the rulers, and the superiority of the Hyksos, the result of numerical force change, and their skills in martial arts, they were using horses war, wheels pulled by horses, swords the arches of long-range, the weapon was known by the Egyptians before. *** position of the Hyksos from the Egyptians and the position of the Egyptians of them: offended Hyksos the Egyptians treated, burnt towns and villages, without mercy, and tore down the temples, and slaughtered some residents, and forced the Egyptians to pay the new taxes, and they built castles and forts. Over time, the Hyksos influenced Egyptian civilization, Vtmsroa and imitated the Pharaohs in their names and costumes, traditions, and spoke the Egyptian language, and embraced the religion Almsrien.lm reassure the ancient Egyptians to the Hyksos, and continued to hate their rule, and regard them look contempt because they Mohm their country's independence and freedom of their homeland. And took a stronger national spirit among Egyptians with the days, and determined to expel the Hyksos and the liberation of the country. 
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الهكسوس

** Egyptians struggle against the Hyksos ** led princes good fight against the Hyksos, after it took control of Upper Egypt and founded seventeen family, and when he was afraid of the Hyksos from the increase of Egyptian power , theirs saw that provoke the Prince of Thebes, and sent him a messenger tells him: "Silence mares water in the eastern Thebes lake, Vdgejeha deprive me of sleep Crazy Frog and Lily, and their voices humming in the ears of the cities," this request was strange, especially if we know that a "good" away from "Avaris" hundreds of kilometers, but who was worried the king of the Hyksos is an activity "Seqenenre" Prince of Thebes and his men, rejected the Prince of Thebes this request odd, and the war between the Hyksos and the Emirate of Thebes, which fell "Seqenenre" a martyr on the battlefield, was "Sagnn Ra "first governor cites for the liberation of his homeland, and was succeeded by his son," Kamuzh "in leading the struggle against the invaders, and was a great mother," Ahhotep "encourage him to be cited as well in the battle for freedom. *** Ahmose and the expulsion of the Hyksos *** called "Ahhotep" second son "Ahmose" to lead his people Rebel, he had prepared a strong army trained in the arts of war and the use of chariots (which was used by the Hyksos), joined to a lot of people's Liberation Army. Creep "Ahmose"

نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة احمس يطارد الهكسوس to the north, and stressed the attack on the Hyksos in their capital "Avaris" until their income, and has been chased across the northern Sinai until Palestine, and the dispersion of the respondents at the Fort "Haroheen" not their name appears later in history, he returned "Ahmose" to his homeland victorious, and was received by the people of Egypt a wonderful reception, and thus ended the history of Egypt from the hateful foreign occupation, and began a new period of glory and the fact that the era of pottery state Alhadith.sadsa- the era of the modern state - the era of Military glory: dynastic 18-20 (1570-1085 BC). We mentioned how undergone Egypt as a result of the weakness of the rule of the Hyksos foreigners, but it was the EgyptiansWa to undergo a foreign occupier, the Egyptians, led by warlords good these offenders has resisted, citing many of the sons of Egypt, even managed to "Ahmose"
 Ahmose I independence hero and founder of the modern state of defeat and dispersion, thus restored "Ahmose" Egypt's union, and began the dawn of a new era Zaher, is the era of the modern establishment of the eighteenth Dynasty, which was founded by "Ahmose" compelling Hyksos. *** state of the country in the era of the modern state *** State was in the invasion of the Hyksos in Egypt and then expelled a great sermon to the Egyptians, Voncioa large army organized to protect the country from the greedy, and raced sons Egypt to join the army after he realized that the affiliation with honor, and formed Egypt's first empire in history, spread in Africa and Asia, from the Euphrates River as far north as the fourth Cataract south. As advanced civilization of Egypt in various fields of economic, social, technical, scientific and Odbeh.ochehr kings of the modern state and their accomplishments 1 - Queen Hatshepsut Hatshepsut: most popular queens of Egypt, squeeze the stability of security and peace excelled at home and abroad, with a strong army Saher, it was also marked by outdated building and the advancement of the arts and trade. The "Hatshepsut"
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الملكة حتشبسوت
 The role of the pharaohs of the men, abandoned all titles of queens, and used titles of royalty, and wore their uniforms at official functions, he headed Egypt's policy in the restored around the continent of Africa, sending a trade mission to the country, "Pont" (Somalia current). *** *** Hatshepsut business trip to the country of the ninth year of its rule Buntvy ******* Queen "Hatshepsut" I sent a trade mission to the country, "Pont" composed of several sailing ships crossed the Red Sea until they reached the "punt", Fastqublha governor "Punt "The older men, and presented gifts to them the mission, then returned laden with large quantities of gold, incense, perfumes, ebony and ivory, leather and some animals. Photographed news that mission on the walls of the Temple of Queen "Hatshepsut" B "Bahari" near "good". *** Mission Hatshepsut to Aswan *** also portrayed the walls of the "Bahari" described the mission sent by the "Hatshepsut" to the granite quarries at Aswan to bring huge stones, to establish Mslten with great temple of Karnak in Luxor, still one list so far, and a height of about 30 Mtra.2 - King Thutmose III Thutmose III:
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 characterize this king of the ancient kings of the world the wonderful trophies which recorded his history, he had seventeen campaign in Asia, proved by Egypt's influence there, as proved the influence of Egypt until Nubia in the south. In addition to the ability of military excellence political for his skills, and the construction of the finest and most luxurious buildings temples. *** *** Battle of Megiddo this battle is an example of the ingenuity of "Thutmose III" war. The Emir of the Syrian city of "Kadesh"
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة معركة مجدو

 leader of an alliance against Egypt, said Hassani. "Thutmose III" to discipline that Prince, came out with his army (100,000 soldiers) until he reached the north of Palestine, and walked in the narrow road up to surprise the enemy of it, he went down easy "Megiddo" sieged "Thutmose III", did not return to Egypt only after they restored order and stability to South Soeria.icol a historians about the power of Egypt in the King, "Thutmose III" time: "there is no force in the country's Near East may be facing the Egyptian army, who won the excellent military training and won under the leadership of the king of genius is the Pharaoh of Egypt the great ".oalak also an example of the ingenuity of Tuthmosis III, administrative and political: called" Thutmose III "sons of the princes of the Asian regions to Egypt, to teach them the Egyptian customs and traditions, and there to educate Egyptian culture, and instill in them the love of Egypt , even if they are returned to their country and took the reins of governance, have become loyal followers. It was for this wise policy impact on the cohesion of the Egyptian empire and deployment of Egyptian culture. Is also interested in "Thutmose III" creates wars forces of the fleet, was able to do that simplifies control over much of the Mediterranean and the coast, "Phoenicia" Islands. 3. King Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten):
نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة امنحتب الرابع (اخناتون
 Akhenaton or Ikhnaton (King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti) took power after the death of his father "Amenhotep III" at the age of no more than 16 years, married a "Nefertiti" Nofretete or Nefertiti famous in history, was not interested in politics and war matters, but he was busy matters of religion, not satisfied "Amenhotep IV" for the multiplicity of gods in ancient Egyptian religion, and saw that all the gods are not only multi-image of one God, and he called new religious doctrine calls for the worship of one God is "Aten", which represents the underlying strength in the disk of the sun, and others like disk graduated from rays carry life and light to the earth and Alleha.gar "Amenhotep IV" named to "Akhenaten" and took his new capital is "Akhetaten" and its "Amarna" Minya governorate, in order away from the "good" the headquarters of the priests of the god, "Amon", and as a result revolted priests of the god "Amon" other gods against "Akhenaten", despite he occupied the name "Akhenaten" prominently because of those religious revolution, which carried out against polytheism 0.4 - King Tutankhamun Tutankhamen or Tutankhamun:
نتيجة بحث الصور عن امنحتب توت عنخ امون
 came to power after the "Akhenaten," and took the "good" capital of the country again During his reign, has increased the influence of the priests. " Amon ", due famous" Tutankhamun "to discover a whole tomb in 1922 in" the Valley of the kings, "the western bank of Luxor, the cemetery which contained masterpieces of art and treasures archaeological is unprecedented, which shows what we have reached the Egyptian art of progress, and now displays the contents of the "Tutankhamun" cemetery in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square in Cairo 0.5 - King Ramses II Ramses II:

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 is the most famous kings of the nineteenth Dynasty, began "Ramses II" a new era called "the era of the second Empire," and worked on the revival of Egyptian influence in the Levant, who was weak after the "Akhenaten" religious revolution, and wars are considered another war efforts made by the kings of the modern state. *** *** battle of Kadesh the king of the Hittites Mhalvat contract with the princes of Syrian cities against Egypt, reset "Ramses II" army amounted to 20,000 fighters, marched the army, breaking the Sinai Peninsula and Palestine, and met Balehithein and pounced on them and defeated them defeat the evil. Forced mYou Hittites by his defeat to make peace, and agreed "Ramses II". *** Oldest international treaty in history *** king of the Hittites came back after the Battle of Kadesh foment trouble again against Egypt in the Levant, Vharabh "Ramses II" and the war continued for five ten-year-old that the request for the king of the Hittites Magistrate. Held between the "Ramses II" and the king of the Hittites treaty of alliance and friendship in which each pledged to another non-aggression, and the restoration of friendly relations, and help each other in case of being attacked by another state, and the longer this Treaty oldest written an international treaty in history. And the provisions of this Treaty: "Gods do not allow the hostility between the two countries, will not be assaulted King Heta on the land of Egypt ... and will not Ramses encroaching on the land of Heta ...." *** Ramses II architectural work *** (Temple of Abu Simbel) carving in the rock temples when "Abu Simbel" AQIM Nuba, one to him and one for his wife "Nefertari", has been rescued from the waters of the high dam with the help of body Alaonescu.kma King "Ramses II" did the lobby of the great columns Temple "Karnak", and established many of the obelisks, including an obelisk still List to the day in the Temple of Luxor, and other obelisk moved to France and set up in one of the areas of Paris, capital of France, city (Place de la Concorde) 0.6 - King Ramses III was the last of the pharaohs bones to the era of the modern state, ruled Egypt more than thirty years, and in his reign renewed dangers peoples of the Mediterranean who attacked Egypt, but "Ramses III" was able to defeat them at the town of Rafah, also defeated the Egyptian fleet on their ships at the mouth of the West Nile. As saved "Ramses III" to Libyans who attacked the western borders of Egypt, and turned away. ***** ***** End of the modern state after the end of the reign of King "Ramses III" weakened the country as a result of the weakness of the Kings and the intervention of priests "Amon" in Thebes governance, and the country was hit by the external hazards, could the high priest of the god, "Amon" took power and declared himself king, bringing the era of the modern state ended in 1085 Q.m.saava- late period (the third era of decay): dynastic 21-30 (1085. 332 BC) .. intended late era: the scientists agreed on naming the period that followed the fall of the modern state in 1085 BC late era, or the era of the third decay, a late era of the time, as it is at the end of the Pharaonic era, and it late of the civilization. *** conditions in Egypt, late period *** deteriorated conditions of the country politically, culturally and economically. And subjected the country to foreign influence, Vgmha strangers about, internalized in straight sets of Libyan rulers and Nubians, Assyrians, Persians finally. **** Months kings of the era of decay **** 1. King Psamtik I Psammetichos or Psamtik I: permeated the dark period experienced by Egypt in the era of the third decay, the national rule of Egypt recovered the short-freedom and independence for a time, and that was in the era of "Obsmatik first," the governor of the city, "Sais" ( "Sa stone" Western province), and the founder of 26. family care "Obsmatik first" military to consolidate his position and repel any external aggression, and he worked to strengthen it, and hired Bjend mercenaries (who are soldiers who put their military services in return for the amount of money), as "Obsmatik first" succeeded in expelling the Assyrians from Egypt, and the work on Egypt's trade development with the Phoenician cities and Gerha.2- King Nkhao:
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 is one of the successors of "Obsmatik first", has worked to re-dig the canal, which was reached between the Nile and the Red Sea (Sisostris) channel, until Egypt is expanding in foreign trade, send "Nkhao" mission from the Phoenicians to the rotation around Africa as, lasted three years, and it succeeded in doing so. ** end of Pharaonic rule in Egypt ** collapsed Renaissance set up by the King, "the first Obsmatik" and his successors, at the hands of the Persians who invaded the country in 525 BC and made Egypt part of their empire.