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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Mosques Ancient Egypt

Mosques Ancient Egypt
Mosque of Amr ibn al-As

Is the first mosque established in Islamic Egypt, Africa and built by Amr Ibn al-Aas city of Fustat in 21 AH and was surrounded by the homes of the North three sides by the eastern and north-western and south-eastern Fustat plans was the mosque overlooking the Nile, and planning the mosque was at first a small built on a rectangular 50 form × 30 cubits resembles the architecture of the mosque with the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him mosque, where part consists of a square or rectangular open and surrounded by four points from four corridors of the largest gallery of using the building was roofed days of Amr ibn al-Aas and within a rectangle
There is the northern corner of eastern portico direction dome dating back to Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas, the courtyard of the mosque Vttosth dome built on eight marble columns round in shape, and the windows of the old mosque decorated with plaster still remnants exist south wall, and culminates interfaces mosque from abroad toothed battlements higher hierarchy, and the minaret of the mosque dating back to the era of Murad, a simple minaret consists of one CAC with conical summit

Square is located east of Abu Saud Amr ibn al-Aas mosque attributed to Sheikh God knows (Abu Saud Garhi) died in the tenth century and consists of a mosque for prayers and adjoining shrine
The mosque on the first corner it alone with the Sufi sheikh Abu Saud Garhi, and buried there when he died in 1542 AD (931 AH). Abu Saud Garhi is Sheikh Shamsuddin Abu Abdullah, senior Senate mystics in the 10th century AH (16 m). The date of his birth is not known precisely, he lived in short for the last Mamluk sultans Ashraf Touman sultanate time Bai 1516 -1517 m and strengthen his power and became acting in matters of UK and isolates is given, and the maligned and rewards, he lived in the iron door (now Ramses) one of the gates of Cairo on the eastern bank Neil .. what died in 931 (1524 AD) was buried in the corner which was i'tikaaf where Kom Garah near the Mosque of Amr ibn al-As

Mosque Mohamed Seghir

This mosque is attributed to Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them, and is located in the Bab Farewell Street in Old Cairo and the main entrance is located in the south-west and topped with jelly entrance has many renovations have taken place on this mosque
The mosque is considered of outstanding mosques as it climbs a set of stairs, and the main entrance is located on the north front of the qibla wall and consists of a large high ever held three lobes, hollowed out to fill a range of Rattles carved in stone. The mosque is covered from the inside the whole and in the northwestern corner of it there is the shrine, which architecture dating back to the Mamluk period room

Swedish Hassan Mosque
Is the Swedish branch of the vault Street Street dates back to the year 834 AH / 1430 AD was established by Hassan Al Suwaidi in the era of Sultan Barsbay eastern and Mamluk

Abdeen your mosque


Egypt is located behind the old police station along the Nile Corniche and dates back to the Ottoman era in 1071 AH / 1660

The impact of the Prophet Mosque

It located on the Nile in ancient Egypt, dating back to 1073 (e) 1224 AH / 1662 AD - 1809 was built by the Mamluk period in Egyptian minister Tajuddin Saheb, which collects manuscripts to the Prophet Muhammad

Al-Azhar Mosque
The Al-Azhar Mosque (359 ~ 361 AH) / (970 ~ 975 AD), is the most important mosques in Egypt, the most famous in the Muslim world. An umbrella and the University for more than a thousand years, although it was established for the purpose of disseminating Shi'ism when it was the conquest of Egypt by Jawhar, commander Muizz first Fatimid caliphs in Egypt, but it is currently studying Islam by Sunni Islam, and after he founded the city of Cairo initiated a Al-Azhar mosque and accomplished and held the first Friday prayers of Ramadan in 7 AH 361 - 972 m. It is the first mosque in Enshi city of Cairo's oldest Fatemi effect exists in Egypt, historians have disagreed in the naming of this mosque, and is likely that the Fatimid Al-Azhar Sheikh Mohammed named after the girl Fatima Zahra Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - and a tribute to anniversary.

The Mamluk era of the brightest and the best times experienced by Al-Azhar Al-Sharif where he raced the Mamluk rulers in the interest of Al-Azhar students, the elderly and architecture and expanded upon in spending and attention and even add to the architectural structure.

The Ottoman sultans Al Othman has shown great respect for the mosque and its people in spite of their resistance to them and standing with the Mamluks during their war with the Ottomans, but that respect has not translated practically in the form of care and attention Bamarth or spending on the elderly and students

However, the mosque during that period has become the best place in the general Egyptians and the first to receive AlTafaqah science and in religion, and it also became a center for the largest gathering of scientists in Egypt also began to teach some science philosophy and logic for the first time

During the French campaign on Egypt's Al-Azhar was a center of resistance and in the spaciousness of scholars plans to Revolt of Cairo and Tnadoa it, and endured its horrors and flouted its sanctity, and in the aftermath of the Second Cairo revolution subjected senior Al-Azhar scholars to the most severe types of torture and pain, and imposed heavy fines, and sold their possessions and jewelers wives have met , following the death of Kleber Azhar was shocked at some of the requested led by Suleiman al-Halabi, and while the French occupation, gasping for breath even orders the arrest of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Abdullah al-Sharqawi Sheikh issued, and so remained clouded crisis of mistrust between Al Azhar and the powers of the French occupation until his last days and his departure from the country.

After the French withdrawal from the country named Muhammad Ali Pasha himself ruler of Egypt in response to the people, and is the top family that ruled Egypt from 1805 to 1952, the founder, and has sought to consolidate his rule through closer to Al-Azhar scholars, and walked on his approach his sons and grandsons, who was the last of the King Farooq, who waived the royal throne because of the 1952 revolution, and in the wake of this, in 1961 and in accordance with the Act of the same year was declared officially by the Al-Azhar University and the establishment of many colleges.

Among the most famous scientists who have names associated with Al-Azhar: Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Hajar, and Sakhaawi, and the son of a change Bardi, and Qalqashandi, and other scientists.

And still the Whole today stands tall minarets defies time and scientists have heads affect clouds, unyielding to the aggressor, not bend to the imperious, Sadea right calling him what remains of its walls and minarets.

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