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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Ancient Egypt

An Introduction to Ancient Egypt

The story of ancient Egypt has survived for thousands of years. Egypt was one of the greatest civilizations of the past. The monuments and tombs of their Pharaohs continue to stand intact today, some 4,000 years later!
Egypt in the Christian bible
A good portion of the Old testament takes place in or around Egypt. Egypt also plays a major role in the life of many Bible people from Moses and Joseph to Jesus.
Where in the world is Egypt?
Egypt is situated in the northeast corner of the Africa.
Map of where Egypt is
A large river called the River Nile flows through the country into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile enters Egypt from the Sudan and flows north for about 1545 km (about 960 m) to the sea.
Where did the Ancient Egyptians live?
The Ancient Egyptians lived along the banks of the river Nile in Egypt. Farmers first settled in Egypt along the River Nile around 5000 B.C.
Where do most people in Egypt live today?
About 95 % of Egypt's population still live in the Nile valley (the area next to the river).
Why is the River Nile important to the Egyptians today and in the past?
Egypt is mainly made up of hot deserts and receives little rainfall. Without the River Nile, the area would be entirely desert.
What is meant by "the gift of the Nile"?

All of Egypt depended on the Nile for water, food and transportation. The Nile also provided the ancient Egyptians with fertile land which helped them to grow their crops and raise their animals.

Before modern dams were built the river Nile would flood each year coating the land on either side of the river with thick back mud. This mud was ideal for growing crops on.

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